Whenever a company has large volumes of mail, one would agree that it is faster and more efficient to have a machine apply postage to each mailing piece, rather than have it done by hand. For this reason, many companies purchase large mail metering devices to save time, but some fail to recognize how simultaneously they end up wasting a lot of money.
Mail metering is quick, but is associated with many hidden costs that when added up, are really not worth the spend.
Types of Hidden Costs in Mail Metering:
- Mail metering does not include the cost of additional supplies, such as ink cartridges that cost over $110 + delivery each. (Typically replaced 1-3 times a year)
- Does not include the cost of paying employees to process the mail, service the machine and communicate with the machine’s provider if there are any problems.
- Labour expenses typically cost at least $1,440 per year. (Assuming 1 employee paid $15/hr spends 24 minutes per day doing work related to mail metering)
The Bottom Line:
- When all the costs are added up, self-directed mail metering can cost anywhere between $3,750 and $6,000 per year, or $315 to $500 per month! (Depending on volume and labour costs)
- Doing it this way requires lengthy contracts, complicated postage regulations and the time and attention of employees that could be doing something more productive.
The Solution:
- Hiring a courier company that offers mail metering services can prove to be much more cost efficient.
- Courier companies like Speedy Delivery have their own mail metering machines, charging as low as $4.95/day
- Your company can save thousands of dollars and lots of time on applying postage to mass amounts of mail